May 2013 I attended a women’s gathering in honor of Mothers Day.  While for years my own birth mother lives far away, often on Mother’s Day I enjoy celebrating a way to connect to my own inner feminine, the divine mother, or do something to support my creativity.  This gathering of 12 women provided the perfect opportunity to nurture the needs for creativity and connection.  The afternoon concluded with the facilitator leading us through a meditation. This activated a series of comic collages that blossomed over the summer of 2013. Check out the Winged Ones Gallery space to see what has emerged. Below is the story that inspired many of these cosmic collages.


This meditation is based the book Circle of Stones, A Women’s Journey to Herself by Judith Duerk. In  the guided meditation, I am asked to imagine myself in the arms of my mother. She passes me back to my grandmother, then my great grandmother. I see in my minds eye a long line of mothers.  This is the line of my ancestors, a lineage of women.  I am invited to imagine myself being passed back in the arms of my ancestors all the way to the First Mother. The Divine Mother.  What is your image of Divine Mother, the facilitator asks gently?   Is it Mother Mary, a wild forest or a deep dark cave?  Not for me. Personally, I went into deep space.  I am beyond the stars.  My impression of Divine Mother is totally black, I am in the void.


I love it here. I know this is as The Void. The Void is the creation place. It is the womb of creation, the magic place where anything can be birthed. There are no words, no sound, no light or color. I am totally nurtured by this deep dark nurturing stillness. I love it here. There is timeless in The Void.


Suddenly, the facilitator invites the group to bring our attention back to here and now and I realize I have some work to do before I can return.  On my journey to the Mother, I did not follow directions exactly.  I took a detour and added another aspect to the journey.  After I passed myself along the line of my ancestors, I then invited the whole line to come with me!  I imagined my mother being held as a baby in the arms of my grandmother, and passed her back on the line. Then my grandmother became a child. She was held and passed back, too.  So in my minds eye, I brought the whole line of my ancestors into the Void. Even those I could not recognize or see, I felt them there.


Before I could birth myself from the Void, I decided I must imagine my line of ancestors emerging before me to carry me out.  After approximately twenty percent of the line reappeared something very strange happened. I noticed several generations of women who were unusually tall. There is something wildly unusual about them, they have wings!  There were only a few generations of these winged women, but their presence stirred wild ideas in my imagination.  Who are our ancestors?  Where did we come from really?  What can I do today to integrate the wisdom and awareness of the past into the here and now. 


The inspiration from this mothers day mediation spawned a burst of creativity, both collage and writing. From May through September 2013, I closed my office 2 - 3 days a month and the healing room became art studio.  Check out the Winged Ones Gallery space to see what emerged, a series of winged women, cosmic collage and more.

Kathryn Andren