7 Tips for Libra New Moon Solar Eclipse October 2, 2024. Your Horoscopes with Heart from Kathryn Andren
Equinox is the time of equal day and equal night. Symbolically, the Equinox is a call to balance your dreams & ideas with taking action. The Equinox September 22 also marks the Sun moving into the zodiac sign of Libra.
At the Equinox and Solstice seasons, the cardinal signs of the Zodiac are activated: Aires, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Cardinal zodiac signs are the first zodiac signs of each season. Cardinal signs are symbolic of initiating and starting something new.
A theme for Sun in Libra is make love not war. The Sun moves through the sign of Libra September 22 - October 22.
7 Tips for Libra New Moon Solar Eclipse October 2, 2024
The New Moon October 2, 2024 is a Libra New Moon. This is a total solar eclipse at 10 degrees Libra closely conjoined the Messenger planet, Mercury. Libra Solar Eclipse contemplations:
Recognize the shadow side of compromise.
Remember what are your values that are simply non-negotiable.
Consider the depth of what it takes to create equal conscious partnerships.
Dive deeper in all aspects of your relationships.
Reflect on balancing the needs of a relationship and personal desires.
Reconsider the rules for your relationships.
Face fears and speak your truth with grace
Ready to take the action steps required to move forward? If not, the solar eclipse with Mercury in Libra may push you to do so. Consult with Kathryn and see what the stars have in store, or directly download the 7 Secrets to Love Astrology Class available now for only $47 for additional insight and inspration.
Sun in Libra brings up the themes of diplomacy. As the Sun aligns near Mercury during the first two weeks of October, themes of social justice and the communicating laws may be reflected in our outer reality.
Libra’s highest ideal is peace. The theme of the month is to seek the balance of bringing grace when there is a polarizing experience of the fear of insecurity. Harmony achieves resolution. Cooperation is the key!
Heavenly Highlights for Sun in Libra
The Sun is the center of our solar system. As a symbol for modern astrology, the Sun adds energy or fuel to whatever it touches. As the Sun transits through the zodiac sign of Libra, September 23 - October 22, this signals a time of starting over in the realm of relationship.
Sun in Libra expands relationship issues on both personal and collective levels, including all forms of negotiation and diplomacy.
October 2, 2024 Solar Eclipse in Libra with the Messenger Mercury. Horoscopes with Heart from Kathryn Andren
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Your relationships are inspired with dynamic, creative energy. The solar eclipse October 2, 2024 shines in your area of marriage and partnerships this month. Speak up and tell the people who matter most what you really want.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Take your time then make your move Taurus. The solar eclipse lights up your area of daily habits this month. Work hard and play hard, with passion!
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
The October solar eclipse lights up your region of romance. Relationships, fun and creativity take the center stage. You may meet some exciting people. Remember being friends first is the key for lasting relationships.
Learn about your sign when you Consult with Kathryn.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
You may feel the desire to stay close to home. This solar eclipse October 2, 2024 lights up your area of family and private life. Stay centered in your heart, then move quickly with your intuition as new opportunities come your way.
Leo (July 23 - August 22)
Fast talker! The Libra New Moon and solar eclipse lights up your area communication for new networking connections. Now is a good time to let your special someone know exactly what is on your mind and in your heart.
Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
The solar eclipse with Mercury lights up your region of the body and finances. Take care of yourself with a nurturing massage and eat healthy food for your best self care.
Libra (September 22 - October 22)
Let your light shine Libra. It’s your birthday month so the spotlight is on you. This solar eclipse now energizes your zone of creative expression and individuality. Come out of your shadow and into the light!
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
Take your time Scorpio. You may need to create closure with a blast from the past. The October solar eclipse energizes your area of completion. Take care of old business now before moving forward.
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
Your friends are an inspiration to you this month. The New Moon with solar eclipse energizes your area of associations. Stay connected to groups who rejuvenate both mind and heart. Cut loose and have some fun.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
You may have expanded opportunities now to stand out in the spotlight. The solar eclipse highlights your zone of career and public life, so you better balance work and play. Your professional allies could be your greatest gift right now.
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
Dream Bigger Aqaurius. Your area of travel and higher mind is highlighted at the solar eclipse October 2, 2024. You may feel energized to learn something new. Remember to be super selective with your choice of words. Your words create worlds.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
Your area of intimacy is highlighted now. Secrets will be revealed, shadows come into the light with the New Moon solar eclipse October 2, 2024. Maintain your integrity and speak your truth. Experiment using your body language to say what you really feel.
Kathryn Andren, “The Love Astrologer” empowers individuals, couples and families to live a life of passion and purpose.
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The keys to inspired living are found in your personal birth chart, your map for life. Consult with Kathryn and see what the stars have in store for you!