Mercury Retrograde Meets Venus Retrograde March 2025, Personal & Practical Astrology with Kathryn Andren

Venus Retrograde: Reconsider Your Values

The planet Venus is attractive and alluring. This "love planet" reveals herself sometimes as an "evening star" or a "morning star." Look up early evening and sometimes you will find her, a gorgeous sight in the West just after sunset. Then, during the retrograde phase, she disappears, retreats, and reemerges in the East just before sunrise.

Venus is the brightest object shining in the sky after the Sun and the Moon. Listen to her. She may be speaking to you softly, or radically raging for you to pay attention to what is important.

The 2025 Venus Retrograde Cycle

All matters of the heart come into focus during the 40-day Venus Retrograde cycle. Notice your emotional space just before, during, and after a Venus cycle.

Key dates for 2025:

  • Venus stations retrograde March 2, 2025 at 10 degrees Aries

  • Venus stations direct April 13, 2025 at 24 degrees Pisces

What Does Retrograde Mean?

A retrograde cycle is simply an illusion. From our view on Earth, the planet appears to stay still in the sky, then apparently moves backwards against the backdrop of stars. The illusion is that a planet seems to slow down, stop (station) and reverse (retrograde) before moving forward again. When a planet stations retrograde or goes direct, astrologers say there is more power with this planet.

Just like an acupuncture session aligning the meridians on your body, a station or retrograde planet energizes a particular region of the sky. This transiting planet activates a specific area of your life according to your personal birth chart.

Aligning with the ancient principle, "As Above, So Below," retrograde planets serve as a symbolic reflection to:

  • Review

  • Revise

  • Reconsider

  • Reevaluate

  • Redo

  • Retract

  • Retreat

  • Resurrect

Understanding Venus Retrograde

The Venus retrograde cycle occurs approximately every 18-19 months and lasts for 40-44 days. Forty is a magical number in various traditions. There are biblical stories of rain for 40 days and 40 nights, and wandering for 40 years in the desert. In the mystical Kabbalah, 40 is the number of fruition, birth, and abundance.

Interestingly, there are 40 days of Venus retrograde and it takes 40 weeks for a child to grow in the womb. Imagine the 40 days of Venus retrograde as a hologram. If each day were a week, it could represent 40 weeks in the womb. What aspect of yourself would you rebirth during this time?

The Voice of Venus

"I am what you love, who you love and how you love. I reveal your innate priorities and true desires. I value harmony, beauty and fair play. I am sensual and I need satisfaction. I reflect what you truly value, your priorities and your experience of self worth. I am what you are most attracted to and why. I reveal what is most meaningful to you and how you feel natural. I am your friend for feeling most honored and fulfilled in relationships."

Venus's Role in Astrology

Venus is the goddess of love, art, and beauty. In modern astrology, Venus represents:

  • The inner feminine

  • Money matters and access to resources

  • What you innately value

The Venus position in a personal birth chart illuminates what we value in relationships and gives clues to our innate desires. A transit of Venus retrograde represents going deeper within, a time to reconsider priorities.

The Unique Challenge of 2025: Mercury Meets Venus Retrograde

In March 2025, we face the unusual situation of Mercury retrograde occurring simultaneously with Venus retrograde. This powerful combination invites us to:

  • Reconsider how we communicate our values

  • Reflect on how we express what's important to us

  • Remain open and curious in our relationships

  • Stay open-minded in the realm of discovery

Supportive Suggestions for Venus Retrograde

Remember, retrogrades are inward times. Reflection rather than reaction is required.

  • Reassess priorities and be honest about your values

  • Reconsider finances and money matters

  • Reflect on your self-esteem and self-worth

  • Reevaluate what you learned from former lovers

  • Take a step back before beginning a new relationship

  • Reinvent yourself

Venus Retrograde Questions for Contemplation

  • What does my heart want? What is my heart's desire?

  • What is it that I truly value? How can I be more vulnerable in my sharing?

  • How can I share my gifts more intimately and passionately?

  • How can I shine in my creativity?

“Horoscopes with Heart” How Venus Retrograde Affects Each House

Look to your own personal birth chart to see what area of life Venus retrograde is activating for you during this time. Here's a quick guide to what Venus retrograde means in each house:

1st House: It's all about you right now. Put your needs first. Express yourself. Just do it!

2nd House: What do you value? Manage resources & money wisely. Take nurturing care of your body. Build confidence.

3rd House: Network, gather more information. Remain flexible with your ideas. Talk, teach, write, share.

4th House: Create healthy boundaries with your personal time. Take some quiet nurturing time at home. Connect to your family roots.

5th House: Enjoy yourself, play like a child. Spark a new romance. Create art.

6th House: Take good care of your body. Create healthy habits in your daily routine. Focus on your work through service to others.

7th House: Create balance and harmony in your relationships. Focus on the intimate partnerships in your life. Be diplomatic and artful in your negotiations.

8th House: Explore the power of life force. Reflect and review your relationship to sex and your sexual relations. Carefully consider deep emotional connections.

9th House: Quest for the Truth. Explore the deeper meanings of Life. Reconsider your belief system. Reflect on the many paths to wisdom.

10th House: Take extra care to maintain your reputation in your public life. Be patient with yourself if you are not yet recognized for your success.

11th House: Break free from isolation. Connect with kindred spirits, and be super clear in communication with your friends or associates.

12th House: Create closure. Honor your intuition. Journal your dreams. Avoid the feeling of being stuck in the past.

Kathryn Andren is an astrologer, writer and intuitive based in the Hudson Valley New York. Dedicated to healing service since 1997, she integrates astrology, art, & energy healing bodywork in her private practice. Her deep connection to land, sea and sky inspires a holistic approach to her consulting, writing and teaching.  She holds a BA in Psychology and embodies years of professional experience with heartfelt intuitive wisdom. Consult with Kathryn for your personal astrology update. Schedule a session here

Kathryn Andren