10 Tips for Full Moon May 23, 2024 in Sassy Sagittarius

Full Moon May 23, 2024 highlights communication in the sassy zodiac sign of Sagittarius. Sagittarius Full Moon illuminates teaching, publishing and speaking.

This week there is added emphasis to create healthy boundaries with what you say and do. The Sun and Jupiter in Gemini offers opportunities to see people and circumstances from multiple perspectives. Speak up, and speak your truth. 

As a fire sign, Sagittarius supports taking action on intuition.

10 Tips for the Sagittarius Full Moon, May 23, 2024:

  1. Keep your cool

  2. Get a reality check

  3. Don’t overdo it 

  4. Be mindful and respectful of your teachers

  5. Know what you are looking at

  6. Speak with integrity

  7. Say what you mean, mean what you say

  8. Take action with wisdom

  9. Integrate thoughts, words and deeds

  10. Be optimistic. Stay open to new insights

The symbol for Sagittarius is the archer’s arrow, a reminder to maintain focus. Don’t let your beliefs be diluted or swayed by others. Let go of distractions.  Release limiting thought patterns in your life that you feel are are holding you back. Just like the archer, keep your eye on your goal. 

Sagittarius is symbolic of travel to far away places, or to your inner depths. The image below is from my travels to Egypt in 2018.

Summary for Sagittarius: from  “The Secrets to the the Zodiac, A Foundation Guide to Modern Astrology” by Kathryn Andren Astrologer.

Sagittarius Sign of The Archer

Embody the essence of: The Teacher, Philosopher, Adventurer, Truth-Seeker 

Harvest the gifts of Sagittarius: Share your wisdom from the depth of your knowing. Be open to the blessings of divine grace in your life.

Be aware of the challenges: Are you holding a belief system without worldly experience? Release righteousness, all the ways you may be seeing the world only in black and white.

Horoscopes with Heart from Kathryn Andren for Full Moon in Sassy Sagittarius May 23, 2024

Aries: March 20 – April 20

It’s a playful and energizing evening for you as the Full Moon lights up your area of opportunity and travel.  If you have been working too much, surprise your sweetheart for an evening of fun. Take your time to talk things out. Together explore options and ideas for your long term future plans. There is fuel for fruitful action once you are in right alignment with your vision and goals.

Taurus: April 20 – May 21

Take your time tonight. The Full Moon illuminates your area of intimacy. You have extra energy available in the coming days to speak your truth and bring your thoughts and vision into action. Whatever your pleasure, it is important to match words with actions. Say what you mean and mean what you say to attract that special someone. 


Gemini: May 21 – June 21

Feel the fun this Full Moon as it lights up your area of relationship. While you may be discussing many possible options for your love life in the past several weeks, lighten your mood by spending time with your friends or special someone. Get creative with your conversation to open doors of intimacy and connection.

Cancer: June 21 – July 22

If you can’t quite put your finger on your current connection to your passion, find joy in the simple things to turn you on. This Full Moon shines on the area of life dedicated to details. Notice who or what is grabbing your attention these days.  Remember life is an adventure, when you are open to more love in your life. 


Leo: July 22 – August 23 

Shine the light you are Leo! The Full Moon this week lights up your region of romance and pleasure. Call on your friends and lovers, partner or playmates. Your words have power so remember to express yourself with clarity and discernment. While there is opportunity to explore many options, remain focused on your goal to receive the love you deserve.

Virgo: August 23 – September 23 

Make the most of your moments with family as the Full Moon this week illuminates your area of home and private life. Remember life is an adventure! If single, light up the night with friends at your place. Coy conversations and simple sweet talk opens doors for multiple possibilities to express your passion.

Libra: September 23 – October 23

Let it all out Libra as the Full Moon shines in your area of connections and communication. You have the opportunity to do some serious networking this week. Single or coupled, new possibilities come your way when you open your mind. Remember, however, it is important to say what you mean and mean what you say. There is added fuel for forward momentum this month once you can speak to the truth of your desires.


Scorpio: October 23 – November 22

Let your light shine sexy Scorpio. There is a focus on who and what you value as the Full Moon illuminates your area of assets and finances. Enjoy life’s little pleasures. Slow down and smell the roses. Have the courage to speak up and let the people in your life know how much you really care. You receive reward when you show appreciation and gratitude for people you truly love.  


Sagittarius: November 22 – December 21

Are you living in the light of your truth? Set your goals even higher. This week’s Full Moon falls in your zodiac sign Sag. Your relationships need to be an adventure. What turns you on is connection through conversation, an appreciation for higher education, and traveling to places unknown. Make sure your partner or loved ones understand your need for individuality. Sometimes you need to hit the trail on your own now and then.

Capricorn: December 21 – January 20

Take care of old business Capricorn before moving forward too fast in life or love. The Full Moon this week shines light on the past and energizes your area of completions. If you have been distracted by lost love it is time to lighten up. Surrender your resistance and go with the flow.


Aquarius: January 20 – February 18 

You have extra energy this week as the Full Moon falls in your area of friendships and associations. Optimize tonights timing to be out on the town and networking. Reach out and connect with others who share similar interests. Authenticity is your greatest ally in magnetically attracting potential partnerships. Honestly, you never can have too many friends. 

Pisces: February 18 – March 20

This week is perfect timing Pisces to shine your light in your public life. The Full Moon this week lights up your area of status and career as well as the fun factor. Speaking with your sweetheart about your current focus supports forward movement in your relationship. Keep your long term goals in mind to receive your reward in life and love.

Kathryn Andren, “The Love Astrologer” empowers individuals, couples & families to live a life of passion & purpose. Ready for a reading? Sessions available by phone or zoom call. Book it here.

Find me on IG FB and you tube at The Love Astrologer

Kathryn Andren