Jupiter in Gemini and Gemini New Moon June 6, 2024: On Second Thought, and Second Chances


The New Moon on June 6, 2024, features a potent pack of planets in the sign of Gemini. The Sun and Moon meet near Venus, Mercury, and Jupiter. Gemini is the constellation of the Twins. You might find yourself needing to repeat tasks, clarify ideas, or redo projects this month. Be patient!

Is there a project or idea that deserves a second thought? Maybe a person in you life give them a second chance? Look again and reconsider is a theme for the New Moon this month and for the year Jupiter is in Gemini, May 26, 2024 - June 9, 2025.

The ruling planet of Gemini is the messenger Mercury. With so many planets in Gemini in early June, passions may be expressed in multiple directions. There's a tendency toward travel, with a desire to explore other cultures and understand different points of view. The gift of this alignment is a high capacity for multitasking.

This New Moon creates dynamic tension with Saturn in boundless Pisces. Saturn is serious, while the parade of planets in Gemini is playful. This aspect supports keeping an open mind for new options before focusing on your goals.

At the same time, Mars in assertive Aries squares off with potent Pluto. These planets in dynamic tension create pressure to take action. Explore your options and discuss them before jumping into something new!

Each year the Sun moves through Gemini May 21 – June 21. This year, Jupiter is in Gemini, May 2024 into May 2025. Jupiter’s job expands whatever it touches. All qualities of Gemini are expanded during this lunation and beyond with Jupiter in Gemini. Check out the essential qualities of all things Gemini here!

Gemini, represented by the Twins, is known for its dual nature and versatility. As an Air sign, Geminis are intellectual, curious, and constantly seeking new experiences. Their Mutable quality endows them with flexibility and adaptability, making them adept at navigating change and embracing diversity.

Gemini: The Twins

Archetypes: The Networker, The Story-Teller, The Seeking Student
Keywords: Rational, Open-Minded, Communicative, Playful, Mobile
Element: Air
Mode: Mutable

Contemplation questions Gemini New Moon June 6, 2024 

  • How do I help myself and others when I think before I speak?

  • How can I be more open minded?

  • How can I be more discerning when taking an action step?

Receive insight for your next steps by scheduling a private session. Kathryn Andren integrates over two decades of professional consulting experience with timeless wisdom. Ready for a reading? Book it here.

Astrology Affirmations for Gemini from Kathryn Andren

  • I easily gather and integrate information.

  • I love diversity.

  • I am open to experiencing many different people, places, and cultures.

  • I am quick and flexible.

  • I am humorous and playful.

These affirmations capture the essence of Gemini's lively and inquisitive spirit, a reminder of innate talents and strengths.

Affirming the Gifts of Gemini:

  • Open-Mindedness: Embracing new ideas and perspectives with ease.

  • Speed: Quick thinking and swift in action.

  • Curiosity: An insatiable desire to learn and explore.

  • Flexibility: Ability to adapt to changing circumstances.

  • Adaptability: The capacity to thrive in diverse environments.

  • Wit: Sharp and clever sense of humor.

  • Youthfulness: Maintaining a forward-thinking and vibrant outlook.

  • Information Gathering: Skilled at sourcing knowledge from various channels.

  • Multicultural Awareness: Often multicultural or bilingual, enriching their understanding of the world.

  • Verbal Skills: Excellent in communication, teaching, and networking.

  • Learning and Teaching: Naturally adept at both learning and educating others.

Gemini qualities relate to all things media. A visit to the local radio station at iHeratMedia to read monthly Horoscopes with Heart with Kathryn Andren in 2022.

The Gemini quality is known for a remarkable ability to communicate and connect with a wide range of people. If you have the zodiac sign of Gemini alive in you, you are perpetual student of life. Curiosity drives you to seek out new experiences. When telling stories, networking, or exploring new cultures, Gemini brings a playful and dynamic energy to everything they do.

Horoscopes with Heart for the New Moon in Gemini from Kathryn Andren Astrologer

Aries: March 20 – April 20

You’re the talk of the town. The New Moon June 6, 2024 energizes your area of communications and connections. Network with new people who touch your mind, body, and heart. This week is important to explore new ideas. Pay close attention to new information presented to you.

Taurus: April 20 – May 21

Show me the money, honey. Your area of finance and personal belongings lights up with the New Moon this month. Take the time this week to review your commitments with your intimate partner. Enjoy all the sensual pleasures of life and be sure to speak up about what matters most.

Gemini: May 21 – June 21

Light up your life, Gemini. The New Moon in June illuminates your area of individuality. Have some serious fun. Be open to new information and messages you get from friends, partners, or lovers. Someone in your life has something new to share with you. Be sure to listen and explore your options.

Cancer: June 21 – July 22

Saying goodbye is sometimes hard to do. It’s okay if you don’t have all the words to say what you are feeling. The Gemini New Moon this week activates your area of new beginnings and fresh starts. Focus on life’s little details to get you through the week. Then, follow your instincts to just go with the flow.

Leo: July 22 – Aug. 23

Laugh it off, Leo. If you have felt too serious these days, be sure to take time out with your friends this week. The New Moon in Gemini this week lights up your area of associates and friendships. Balance your commitments with your special someone and the company of others who lift your spirits.

Virgo: Aug. 23 – Sept. 23

Go ahead and gush. The New Moon in June lights up your area of career and work. Like it or not, you stand out in the crowd. Take pride in your accomplishments. Others take note of your actions and words this week. Make sure you are in integrity with what you say and do in both your public and private life.

Libra: Sept. 23 – Oct. 23

You can handle the truth, Libra. Don’t stand for anything less than honesty in life or love. Ask around to get correct information and be sure to avoid gossip. The New Moon this month lights up your area of blessings and beliefs. How do you know what you know? Double check your sources, and listen to your instincts before taking action.

Scorpio: Oct. 23 – Nov. 22

Now it’s getting juicy. Consider all the ways you have learned to communicate without talking. The New Moon June 6, 2024 falls in your area of intimacy. The truth comes out, in the boardroom or the bedroom, so don’t be so secretive, Scorpio.

Sagittarius: Nov. 22 – Dec. 21

You know what you want and where you are going. Then suddenly, someone else offers you new options. The Gemini New Moon this week lights up your region of relationships. Take the time to consider others' ideas, they just might have something brilliant to offer.

Capricorn: Dec. 21 – Jan. 20

Work before play, Capricorn. This weeks New Moon energizes your area of details and daily work. You could easily get distracted this week. Let go of whatever is unnecessary. It’s best to focus and take care of business before you cut loose.

Aquarius: Jan. 20 – Feb. 18

Love is in the air for you, Aquarius. This week, the New Moon lights up your region of romance, creativity, and children. Make your loving fun with your special someone or be sure to go out to play with your real friends. Connect with those who elevate your spirits. Be playful and spontaneous.

Pisces: Feb. 18 – Mar. 20

Precious Pisces, how will you communicate your feelings without talking? Take time out and relax at home as the Gemini New Moon energizes your area of family and foundation. Be gentle with yourself. Get honest with yourself and acknowledge simple truths. Speak mindfully, especially with those who matter to you the most.

About the Author: Kathryn Andren

Kathryn Andren “The Love Astrologer” passionately shares her consulting and holistic healing practice from a deep connection to land, sea and sky. Ready for a reading? Consult with Kathryn for insights on empowerment, passion and purpose.

Kathryn Andren