Mercury Retrograde August 2024

What in the world is going on? It’s more than Mercury Retrograde! Mercury Retrograde this month is August 5 - 27, 2024. In today’s sky story however, bigger planet pattern cycles align in August. More on Mars meeting Jupiter plus a square off to serious Saturn mid month. Request a reading and stay tuned to where these potent planet cycles fall in your personal astrology chart.

What is Mercury Retrograde?

Mercury retrograde is an illusion in the planet pattern of the sky story that happens for about 3 weeks, 3 times a year.

Take time to take a step back, reflect and review,  before moving forward.

Mercury retrograde often gets a bad rap for glitches and miscommunications. Mercury gets blamed for all kinds of things: computer crashes, transportation delays or communication misfires. Mercury supports analysis and organization, so during a retrograde, there is an invitation to go with the flow. The gift of this cycle is less attention on order and logic, with a greater invitation to rest, relax and regenerate. 

Mercury Retrogrades are times to simply shift from left to right brain focus. 

When is the next Mercury Retrograde ?

Mercury Retrograde is August 5 to August 27, 2024

Like an acupuncture session that aligns the meridians of a body, planet patterns energizes a particular region of the sky. In aligning with the ancient principle, “As Above, So Below” a retrograde planet pattern serve as a symbol to:

• Review

• Reflect

• Revise

• Reconsider

• Reevaluate

• Redo

• Retract

• Retreat

• Resurrect

Mercury Retrograde in Virgo and Leo in 2024

If you have planets in your personal birth chart near these Mercury Retrograde points, pay attention! 

4 degrees Virgo, Mercury stations retrograde on August 5

21 degrees Leo, Mercury stations direct on August 28

How to align with the positive aspects of Mercury Retrograde: 

  • Be creative.

  • Think out of the box.

  • Be open to surprises and spontaneity.

Mercury is known both as the Messenger and the Trickster. Mercury supports both commerce and trade, as well as how to exchange ideas. Since Mercury is the ruler of communications, commerce and transportation, it’s important to double check details in these areas.

Mercury the Messenger rules over:

  • communication; talking, listening, learning, reading, editing, & researching

  • trade; negotiations, selling & buying.

  • contracts & agreements; documents, book manuscripts, titles & deeds

Planning ahead vs. being spontaneous are the symbolic themes of Mercury retrograde. If you have important projects or travel plans, take the time to plan ahead before Mercury Retrograde begins. However, in the weeks during Mercury retrograde be sure to be open to surprises and be flexible to make adjustments quickly. 

Irritation or frustration may arise if you are digging in your heels trying to maintain your idea of order to control a situation. Be open and go with the flow. Mercury retrograde times are an opportunity to look back, revise, redo, reconsider and reflect.

Supportive suggestions for Mercury Retrograde:

  • Mistakes may happen. Create extra time in your schedule for spontaneity

  • Double check details.

  • Be kind with your self if you have to redo or repeat something.

  • Remember: back up computers, take care of car maintenance and review receipts.

  • If possible, avoid major purchases, creating contracts, or serious surgery during this time.

  • Don’t push the river, go with the flow

Learn more about the Zodiac Signs & Planets on my You Tube Channel here.

Just before and after a Mercury Retrograde, the planet “stations”. When a planet stations, it seems to “stand still” at the same point of the sky from our view on Earth. When any planet stations, astrologers say there is more power with this planet. Why? Just like an acupuncture session that aligns the meridians, planets energizes a particular part of the sky, or a specific area of life related to your personal birth chart.  

Look to your own personal astrology chart or consult with Kathryn to find out which area of life is Mercury is activated for you during this time. This illuminates which specific area of life wants your extra attention to reflect and review.

Look up and Look in:

A Mercury retrograde cycle is coming when Mercury is visible in the western sky just after sunset. Then, Mercury gets lost in the rays of the Sun and disappears from our view on Earth over the coming weeks on its journey through the solar system. Eventually, within two weeks, Mercury reappears in the morning sky just before dawn. This dance in the sky story is known as Mercury Retrograde.

Kathryn Andren is an astrologer, writer and intuitive based in the Hudson Valley, New York. Dedicated to healing service since 1997, she integrates astrology, art, & energy healing bodywork in her private practice. Her deep connection to land, sea and sky inspires a holistic approach to her consulting, writing and teaching. She holds a BA in Psychology and embodies years of professional experience with heartfelt intuitive wisdom.

Consult with Kathryn for your personal astrology update. Schedule a session here

Kathryn Andren