August Full Moon: Turning Point Times and The Aquarius Full Moon Astrology Horoscopes 2024

August Full Moon is a time to stand out of the crowd and let your light shine. This is a time of ripeness, an opportunity to harvest the reward of whatever you have been working on the past few weeks.  Notice what was once unconscious is now being revealed into the light.

The Aquarius Full Moon August 19, 2024 supports creating cosmic connections through the heart. Get out of your box and let go of ego. As the Leo Sun is opposite Aquarius Full Moon, this is a symbol of revealing the radical, radiant heart. Be courageous, proud and strong.

The Full Moon in August suggests epic turning point times as two T squares are present in the sky chart.

Turning point times are amplified at August Full Moon since two potent T squares are present in the astrology chart for Aquarius Full Moon. First, Mars meeting Jupiter in Gemini is now squaring off to sober Saturn this week. Power play dynamics are amplified. The need to assert healthy boundaries with direct communication is needed now more than ever. Then, the erratic Uranus makes a hard right angle to both the Sun and Moon. When planets create this 90 degree angle, known as a T square, literally the energy is “rough around the edges”. 

In what area of your life are you ready to turn a corner? More changes are on the way for September Equinox and another eclipse season. See what the stars have in store for you during these changing times when you schedule a private session.  September schedule is open now. Consult with Kathryn, book online here.

Full Moons are a time of release, expanding what is in the mind and heart. Where do you want to invest your time and energy? The three days near a Full Moon support the attitude of gratitude as the Moon reflects full light of the Sun.

The Sun in the sign of Leo the Lion stands out as the shining star, with natural and charismatic leadership. This supportive solar energy is integrated with the lunar light of the moon in Aquarius, the Water Bearer. Aquarius values group connection and dedicated in service to all. Find your Horoscope with Heart for this August Full Moon for your zodiac sign below.

Aquarius Full Moon is a potent reminder of creating clear intentions with dedicated action to contribute to humanity. Consider, what can I give, rather what can I get? Aquarius is the sign of the future, it is forward thinking and progressive.  However a Mercury retrograde this August suggests think twice before making your move.

The August Full Moon is in the zodiac sign of Aquarius

August 19, 2024 2:25 PM Eastern

Excerpts from “The Secrets to the Zodiac, A Foundation Guide to Modern Astrology” by Kathryn Andren:

Embody the Essence of Aquarius

Be open minded, free thinking and consider inventive possibilities. Gather information and assess the needs of the group. Break free of limitations and explore how you can serve the needs of humanity. Contemplate your unique gifts and your relationship to collective humanity and the Cosmos.  Meditate to open the heart and higher chakras.  

Supportive Suggestions for Aquarius Full Moon:

  • free your mind

  • integrate vision with heart

  • embody passionate leadership with a global vision 

  • take action on your instincts for a greater good

  • contribute to the collective

  • think locally act globally, leave a legacy

  • treasure friendships

Horoscopes with Heart for August Full Moon from Kathryn Andren The Love Astrolger

Aries: March 20 – April 20 

Light up your life with friends and fun. The Full Moon this month energizes your area of associates. Remember, you get by with a little help from your friends. Create a cosmic connection with others to open your mind to new ideas and happy surprises. 

Taurus: April 20 – May 21

Stand out in the crowd tantalizing Taurus. The Aquarius Full Moon in August highlights your area of status and career. Are you getting the respect you deserve in your personal or professional life? Let go of self doubts. You are a class act. Stand up and stand out. 

Gemini: May 21 – June 21

You are ready to take off Gemini. The Full Moon this month shines in your area of travel, higher mind and learning. If somehow you feel stuck, get out of your box and learn something new.  Sign up for a one day class, or an online course. New information stimulates the mind, body and soul. 

Cancer: June 21 – July 22

The heat is on as the Sun in your sector of sensuality lights up the Full Moon in your area of intimacy. Can you say juicy? Dive deep in your intimate connections with friends or lovers. Engage in all your senses, enjoy a mouthwatering meal or massage.

Leo: July 22 – August 23

Lucky you Leo. Love is in the air. The Full Moon in August lights up your region of relationships and marriage. Get together with your best buddies or snuggle with your sweetheart. Be sure to balance your personal needs with the needs of others. You are at peace when you view life and love from the big picture. 

Virgo: August 23 – September 23 

Close doors and create new rhythms. The Full Moon this month highlights your area of healthy habits and routines. If you are feeling stuck in a rut, it is time to get out of the box. Find a workout buddy for a walk and talk, or start a new route on your run to mix things up.

Libra: September 23 – October 23 

Live it up Libra. The Full Moon in August energizes your region of romance. Spend time with your best buddies, partner or playmates. Indulge in the sweetness of connection and be sure to let the people you love in your life know how much you really care about them. 

Scorpio: October 23 – November 22 

Take some extra time off. The Full Moon in August fuels your area of home and foundation. You'll feel most nurtured and relaxed once you let down with the kids or family. Relax in the comfort of your own home or invite others over for a cozy community evening.  

Sagittarius: November 22 – December 21

You are the talk of the town. The Full Moon this month activates your area of communications. It is a great opportunity to mix things up with your network of connections. Express yourself truthfully and share exactly what is on your mind and in your heart. 

Capricorn: December 21 – January 20

Put your money where your mouth is honey. The Full Moon this month lights up your sector of finances and values. This is a time to cash in on your connections and get your priorities straight. Be sure to invest your time and energy with the people you care for the most.

Aquarius: January 20 – February 18

This is your time to shine. This August, the Full Moon in Aquarius lights up your individuality area. Break free of old habits or belief systems. This is a potent time to start something new.  Align your intentions with action to make your dreams a reality. 

Pisces: February 18 – March 20 

Say goodbye to the past. The Full Moon in August energizes your region of completion. You may have to see a situation from a different perspective to move on and let go. Get out of your box. Let yourself lean on your friends now and then, you are not alone.

Kathryn Andren is an astrologer, writer and intuitive based in the Hudson Valley, New York. Dedicated to healing service since 1997, she integrates astrology, art, & energy healing bodywork in her private practice. Her deep connection to land, sea and sky inspires a holistic approach to her consulting, writing and teaching. She holds a BA in Psychology and embodies years of professional experience with heartfelt intuitive wisdom.

Consult with Kathryn for your personal astrology update. Schedule a session here

Kathryn Andren