Bringing Big Dreams to Life: Pisces Full Moon Eclipse Astrology for September 17, 2024 with Kathryn Andren

The Pisces Full Moon September 17, 2024 is a partial lunar eclipse. Let’s dream bigger together is the theme for this month’s Astrology.  A cluster of planets in the dreamy zodiac sign of Pisces signals possibilities for a bigger dream, both personally and for the planet. The Pisces Full Moon Eclipse aligns between serious Saturn and dreamy Neptune.

The cosmic questions for this week:

  • discerning truth and illusion

  • embracing idealism with realism

  • marrying your bigger dream with practical reality

Partial Lunar Eclipse September 17, 2024. Astrology for The Pisces Full Moon includes:

  • Contemplation Questions for September Full Moon Eclipse and

  • Horoscopes with Heart for Pisces Full Moon from Kathryn Andren. See your zodiac sign below. 

Consider, contemplate, then take action on your goals! Serious Saturn approaches dreamy Neptune in the coming months. This week, the September 17 Full Moon in potent Pisces bridges planets that hold a dynamic polarity: idealism with realism, dreams with practical plans.

Sun is still the steady earth sign of Virgo asks us to pay attention to the details. Jupiter in joyful Gemini creates a dynamic T square in this sky story, serving as a symbol to turn a corner in your life.

Lighten up, and don’t take yourself or others so seriously.

Momentum is building toward Equinox. Take an action step that brings you closer to your bigger dream. The September Equinox falls in between this Lunar Eclipse September 17 and a solar eclipse in the zodiac sign of Libra on October 2, 2024. Take time out to give attention to the relationships in your life with the people who matter most.

Contemplation questions for Pisces Full Moon September 17, 2024

  • What are my big picture goals for my future

  • How can I collaborate with others; mentors, teachers or communities, who hold a broad vision for a healthy future

  • How can I remain open hearted in a changing world

Embody and embrace the lessons of Pisces for the Full Moon Eclipse September 17, 2024:
Pisces Zodiac Sign of The Fishes

Archetypes: The Empath, Seer, Dreamer, Poet, Creative Muse 

Keywords: compassionate, mystical, dreamy

Mutable and Water sign

Astrology affirmations for personal planets in Pisces:

I am one with the divine. I feel connected to all that is. I am nurtured by meditation, prayer, art, music, and poetry.

Affirm Gifts for Pisces:

  • empathy

  • selflessness

  • unconditional love

  • compassion 

  • sensitivity

  • unity inspired

  • peacefulness

  • poetry and music

Acknowledge Potential Imbalances:

dreamy, vague, without boundaries

Horoscope with Heart for Pisces Full Moon from Kathryn Andren

Aries: March 20 – April 20

Go with the flow. Your region of completion is activated now with three planets in Pisces. This is an invitation to let go of the past. Stay steady when taking care of old business and be compassionate with yourself when good things come to an end.

Taurus: April 20 – May 21

Remember you get by with a little help from your friends. Your area of groups and friendships is expanded at this Full Moon. Team up with others you trust, or connect with a meaningful mentor, if you want your projects or plans to move forward.

Gemini: May 21 – June 21

Your career is taking off Gemini, so be extra responsible with words and actions. Your area of public life is energized right now with the Full Moon eclipse, plus Saturn and Neptune. Be impeccable with your timing if you want to create something built to last.

This Kathryn Andren The Love Astrologer. Founder of Heaven & Earth Healing. Ready for a Reading? See what the stars have in store for you for the eclipses, Equinox and beyond. Ready for a reading? Book it here.

Cancer: June 21 – July 22

Stay positive. Your area of the higher mind and blessings is expanded this week. If your belief to get it right is pushing your inner critic overboard, be more compassionate with yourself. Take off on an adventure, or learn something new to get a fresh perspective.

Leo: July 22 – August 23

Your ability to trust is your greatest ally this month. Three planets now activate your area of intimacy at Full Moon. When you are discerning with your connections, it really pays off. Focus, then dive deeper.

Virgo: August 23 – September 23

Let your special someone know exactly what you want. The Full Moon this week meets near practical Saturn and dreamy Neptune, expanding your area of relationship and marriage. Remember, anything worthwhile is worth doing the work. 

Libra: September 23 – October 23

Release and renew this Full Moon. Make your plan and get organized. Three planets energize your area of healthy habits and routines. You’ll feel more productive when you align your dreams with productive action steps.

Scorpio: October 23 – November 22

Be creative, and take time out for some serious fun! The Full Moon meets both Saturn and Neptune to activate your area of play and romance. Enjoy some creative time with your kids, or schedule a babysitter for date night out with your sweetheart. 

Sagittarius: November 22 – December 21

Relax Sagittarius. Several planets in Pisces this week now activate your area of family and foundation. Your focus is creating healthy boundaries in home and private life. Take good care of yourself.

Capricorn: December 21 – January 20

Optimize your connections Capricorn. You can move mountains when you are in the right place, at the right time with the right person. The September Full Moon eclipse supports you to be open to new opportunities in the area of networking and communications. 

Aquarius: January 20 – February 18

Reassess what you truly value. Three planets this week expand your region of money and finance. Take your time to balance the budget so you can reassess your wants and needs.

Pisces: February 18 – March 20

The Full Moon eclipse activates your zodiac sign this month. Neptune invites you let go and go with the flow, while Saturn says stay steady. Now is a time to expand your creative expression and connect with your muse!

About the Author: Kathryn Andren

“The Love Astrologer” empowers individuals, couples and families to live a life of passion and purpose. Her astrology consulting and holistic healing practice is inspired by a deep connection to land, sea and sky. Ready for a reading? Book it here.

Kathryn Andren